Gabor Built, Inc. is licensed as a General Contractor (No. BC32016) in the State of Hawai’i, specializing in residential and commercial construction and consulting.

Gabor Paczolay was born and raised in Hungary. After finishing primary school, during which he completed advanced Math and Physics studies, Gabor earned one of two full scholarships provided by the Hungarian government to study outside of (then) Communist controlled Hungary.
After graduating with a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1979, Gabor worked on the construction of Hungary’s first nuclear power plant. In the early 1980s, Gabor worked in various industrial positions in Germany, among them in Jena, the city world famous for Carl Zeiss Optics; but came to the United States in 1984 to Southern Illinois. Gabor came to Hawai’i for a planned ten day visit in 1988, but 29 years later, he is still holding on to his Pan Am return ticket.
In recent years, Gabor has turned his attention to user and environmentally friendly and energy efficient products and technology to help his clients achieve healthier lives; and this has led him to explore the potential of Ytong building materials for use in Hawai'i. His quest has taken Gabor on investigation trips to The Netherlands, where he has visited the Ytong factory, as well as Ytong job sites there and in Germany."
Below: Gabor at the Xella headquarters in the Netherlands with host Mr. Ben Jensen and Ilona Penzes Realtor of Hawaii Real Estate Partners.

Special thanks to Mr. Jensen for making the factory and job site visits in the Netherlands and Germany possible and for his many years of technical insight, expertise and support; and to Mr. John Weick for donating his time to help in the specification of highest technical details in the project.